National macro organisation of government (nmog): employees not placed on the fixed establishment
Department process on re-employmentof former employees who were dismissed for misconduct
Nehawu lunchtime demonstrations
Awarding of organisational rights contained in section 13 of the labour relations act, 66 of 1995 as amended
Circular on the capturing of information on precautionary suspensions on persal
Notification of conclusion of negotiations on special leave for departments falling within the scope of the gpssbc
Circular on review of precautionary suspension cases in the public service
Pscbc resolution 1 of 2015 - agreement on the review of existing outsourcing and agentisation practices within the public service and conducting an independent impact study on the principles of decent work
Capacity building programme for chairpersons and initiators for disciplinary cases in the public service
Psa section 64(d) of the labour relations act as amended notice to strike: pscbc wage negotiations
Ministerial directive on capturing of labour relations (lr) related cases on the persal system
Request for information in terms of section 16a(2) of the public service act, 1994, as amended
Directive on the capturing of labour relations related cases on the persal system
Pscbc resolution 1 of 2015 - agreement on the review of existing outsourcing and agentisation practices within the public service and conducting an independant impact study on principles of decent work
Correct application of section 13 of the labour relations act, no. 66 of 1995 as amended
Collective bargaining and labour relations matters
Cosatu section 77(1)(b) notice in respect of the state of public transport in south africa
The public serive guidelines for disciplinary sanctions and precautionary suspension
Labour relations policy framework
Ammendments to ministerial directive on disciplinary code and procedure for members of the senior management services (sms)
Ministerial directive: disciplinary code and procedure for members of the senior management services (sms)