Operations Management
Q: Should there be a departmental policy on OMF
A: Yes each department is required to have a policy guideline and implementation plan to support the institutionalisation and implementation of the OMF.
Q: How do I access the OMF and supporting toolkits and templates
A: A copy of the OMF is on the DPSA website. Alternatively one can register on the OMF platform and have access to documents, discussion forums and best practice examples. Email mathiki.ngoako@dpsa.gov.za to register on the platform
Q: Who is responsible for OMF in departments
A: OMF has been included in the generic structure for corporate services.
Q: How often is reporting on OMF required?
A: Departments are required to report on the status of implementation on an annual basis through the OMF platform
Q: Is OMF applicable to centre of government and policy making departments
A: Yes OMF is applicable to all national and provincial departments
Institutional Assessment
(Regulation 35, Public Service Regulations, 2016)
Q: Is OFA compulsory for all departments?
A: Yes, in terms of Public Service Regulation 35 all departments are obliged to conduct OFA at least once every 3 years.
Q: Will OFA be conducted by DPSA for all departments?
A: No, OFA is a self-assessment process that must be conducted by departments themselves, using the prescribed OFA Tool.
Q: To whom must OFA reports be submitted?
A: The Minister for Public Service and Administration must receive approved OFA reports and improvement plans at the latest by 31 March of the year a department has been scheduled to conduct OFA (in the 3 year cycle) in the OFA Directive.
Q: How long does it take to conduct an OFA?
A: Depending on the resources allocated by a department and the size of a department, between 1 month – full time - and 6 months –part time.
Q: Does a department have to conduct OFA only once every 3 years?
A: Departments are obliged to conduct OFA once every 3 years, but may conduct it more regularly if the need arise.
Q: Is a department allowed to conduct OFA in another timeslot than scheduled in the OFA Directive?
A: Yes, but only if the Minister for Public Service and Administration grants authority for such deviation
Q: Will the DPSA provide support to departments to conduct OFA, especially those who has not been exposed to the application of the OFA Tool?
A: Yes, the DPSA provide technical assistance on request, with regard to the following:
- Project planning, project governance and capacity building regarding the application of the OFA Tool. The DPSA has also developed a project planning template and an OFA Implementation Guide, posted on the DPSA website to assist departments
- Report writing and quality assurance. The DPSA has also developed and an OFA Report Writing Guide with a reporting template, posted on the DPSA website to assist departments.
- Unblocking obstacles, in cooperation with the project governance structures.
- Learning and Knowledge Management: The DPSA will host and annual OFA Learning workshop after the first 3 year cycle to share learning points on OFA good practices and challenges learning points.
Productivity and capability measurements
(Regulation 29, Public Service Regulations, 2016)
Q: Is it compulsory for all departments to conduct an organizational productivity (efficiency and effectiveness) assessment?
A: It will be compulsory for all departments to conduct an organizational productivity (efficiency and effectiveness) assessment once the MPSA issues the directive I this regard.
Q: Will all departments be required to conduct and submit organisational productivity (efficiency and effectiveness) assessments to the DPSA?
A: Yes, once the MPSA issues the directive on organisational productivity assessment all departments be required to conduct and submit an organisational productivity assessment at the time and in the format as stipulated in the directive.
Q: Why is it important to conduct an organisational productivity assessment?
A: An organisational productivity assessment allows departments to assesses the level of organisational efficiency and effectiveness; and isolate and address obstacles to optimal organizational efficiency and effectiveness .