eDisclosure resource centre

eDisclosure resource centre

Register now! | Disclose now!

What is eDisclosure?


In terms of the Public Service Regulations, 2016 (PSR, 2016) designated employees are required to disclose their financial interests (Chapter 2, Part 2). The following are categories of designated employees and due dates for submission of their financial disclosure forms:

Categorie Date of disclosure
SMS members 1 - 30 April
OSD / personal notches (level 13 & above) 1 June - 31 July 2023
MMS level 11 & 12 1 June - 31 July 2023
OSD level 11 & 12 1 June - 31 July 2023
Ethics Officers/Dept Admin/ PSC Officials 1 June - 31 July 2023
SCM/Finance below level 9 1 June - 31 July 2023
ASD level 9 & 10 1 June - 31 July 2024
OSD equivalent to level 9 & 10 1 June - 31 July 2024
New employees in all categories 30 days after assumption of duty

In June 2021, the Minister for the Public Service and Administration (MPSA) issued a Directive on other categories of employees designated to disclose their financial interests and the form, date, and financial interests to be disclosed. In January 2018, the MPSA issued a Directive on the form to be used by SMS members and HODs to disclose their financial interests. In terms of the two Directives, designated employees must use the electronic (eDisclosure) system to disclose their financial interests

Troubleshooting registration issues on eDisclosure

Problem experienced Action
SA ID number does not exist on the employer register
  1. Check your salary advice and use the ID number on the salary advice;
  2. If you have just assumed duties as a designated employee (less than 30 days), please contact your Department Admin for manual registration. The list of the Department Admin is on the Home page of the eDisclosure system website.
  3. If you are already registered, you cannot register again, please contact your Department Admin.
The following details could not be processed (OTP does not verify with username and ID number or eDisclosure registration is already active):
  1. Please be careful when you create your username and password. Make sure your keyboard is on neutral when you start and that you do not touch a spacebar where you do not want the space because the system will record it as part of the username or password.
  2. If you know registration is not active – check how your username is captured on the message you received with your OTP. That is how you should capture your username – you may not agree but that is how you have captured it on the system. Anything that is within the inverted commas is your username. Put the spacebar at the end of the username to check for space at the end of the username. If there is a space between the inverted commas and the first letter of the username, then that space is part of your username.
  3. If you cannot move beyond this stage, contact your Department Admin.

Benefits of the eDisclosure system

  • Quick and easy to use;
  • Users only register once;
  • Easy identification and management of conflicts of interest; and
  • Easy generation of reports and statistics.

How can users access the system?

eDisclosure system can be accessed by URL https://edisclosure.gov.za or www.edisclosure.gov.za within the government network. Users will at first use their identity number to access the system and thereafter a username and password will be required to access the system.

Related documentation

Forms: eDisclosure

Audio - eDisclosure Support

Department of Public Service and Administration