Programme 3: Negotiations, Labour Relations and Remuneration Management
Provincial treasury
Note: Benchmark job descriptions and grading levels for core jobs/posts in Provincial treasuries
Lower level jobs
Finance and related functions
Provincial (traffick) inspector
Sports promotion officer and cultural officer
Social workers
Vetting officers
Works inspectors
Note: Process to coordinate the upgrade of an entire occupational category or certain levels within an occupational category or certain levels within an occupation based on job evaluation
Security officer
Chief executive officer of hospitals (ceo)
Government information technology officer (gito)
Determination and directive on the automated job evaluation job grading system for the public service
Directive on the termination of the web-enabled evaluate job evaluation system in the public service, interim system and transitional measures
Job evaluation circular 18 of 2018: request for departments to furnish and confirm establishment information
Ceasing of the use of equate job evaluation system and utilsation of only the evaluate system for the grading of jobs/posts in the public service as of 1 august 2016
Compliance with public service act, 1994 and the implementation directive (circular 4 of 2014) on the grading of corporate services (program 1) jobs/posts graded on salary levels 9, 10, 11 and 12
Implementation of the amendment to pscbc resolution 3 of 2009 and the grading of jobs/posts on salary levels 9/10 and 11/12
Arbitration award pscbc resolution 1 of 2012 in respect of corporate service - programme 1 jobs - posts on salary level 9/10 and 11/12
Benchmark job descriptions, grading levels and implementation guidelines for jobs of infrastructure delivery management systems (idms)
Activiation of the evaluate (equate) web-based job evaluation system for the public service
Directive: the process to co-ordinate the grading of an entire occupational category or certain levels within an occupation based on job evaluation
Implementation of the amendmend to pscbc resolution 3 of 2009 and the grading of jobs/posts on salary levels 9/10 and 11/12
Implementation of the co-ordination process - benchmark job descriptions and grading levels for the occupation: assistant boiler operator and boiler operator
Job weight ranges for the equate job evaluation system
Benchmark job descriptions, grading levels and implementation guidelines for jobs of secretary and personal assistant
Transitional measure to allow departments to regrade posts of secretary on salary grades 2, 3 and 4 to salary grade 5 pending the finalisation of the co-ordination process on secretaries
Review of the remuneration packages of identified categories of employees
Job evaluation of jobs on levels 11 and 12