Programme 3: Negotiations, Labour Relations and Remuneration Management
Circular on interim measures in preparation for the 6th administration post 2019 elections with respect to organisational structure consultants and other general efficiency measures
Implementation protocol guide
A framework for managing joint programmes in the public service
Directive on the implementation of control measures aimed at assisting executive authorities in managing fiscal sustainability during the process of creating and filling vacant posts in departments
Change management nmog guide
Od costing model: effective from 1 april 2019
Od costing model: effective from 1 april 2017
Amended 2015 directive on changes to the organisational structures by departments
Organisational design templates
Generic functional structure for provincial treasuries
Generic functional grouping configuration of programme 1: administration functions
Approval of the functional generic structure for provincial departments of office of the premiers
Approval of the functional generic structure for provincial departments of social development
Guide on institutional support
Implementation of the cabinet decision that the public service regulations must be amended to state that an executing authority can only approve the organisational structure after consultation with the minister for public service and administration