Adjustment of the allowances provided for in the determination and directive on the foreign service dispensation with effect from 2019
Continuation of benefits payable to employees seconded to multilateral organisations as contained in the national policy on secondment of south african employees
Adjustment of the allowances provided for in the determination and directive on the foreign service dispensation with effect from 1 april 2014
Annual adjustment of the allowances provided for in the determination and directive on the foreign service dispensation with effect from 1 april 2013
Guidelines on the management of spouses that will accompany employees designated to serve abroad
Foreign service dispensation: adjustment 1 april 2012
Foreign service dispensation (fsd): adjustment 1 april 2011
Adjustment of the allowances provided for in determination on the foreign service dispensation (fsd): with effect from 1 april 2010
Foreign service dispensation (fsd): adjustment 1 april 2009
Foreign service dispensation (fsd) determination: adjustment w.e.f. 1 april 2006
Foreign service dispensation (fsd) determination
Note: Problems with implementation of the Foreign Service Dispensation (FSD) at missions.
Collective agreement resolution 8 of 2003 on foreign service dispensation (fsd) and implementation of adjusted determination
Collective agreement resolution 8 of 2003 on foreign service dispensation (fsd): adjustment with effect from 1 april 2005