Issuing of the public service vacancy circular during 2025
Appointment of staff in the offices of the executive authorities
Transitional procedures for staff appointments, vacancy filling, and contract management in the offices of executive authorities, deputy president, and deputy ministers during administrative changes or other terminations
Implementatioin of the directive on human resources management and development for the public service professionalisation: volume 1
Guidance on implementing regulation 57(2) of the public service regulations, 2016
Due date for closure of the submission of cabinet memoranda for 2023
Issuing of the public service vacancy circular during 2024
Due date for closure of the submission of cabinet memoranda for 2022
Public service vacancy circular minute - year programme 2022
Practice note on the application of the z83 and other employment matters
Directive on the reactivation of the web-enabled evaluate job evaluation system in the public service for a period of six (6) months
Minimum requirements for submitting requests pertaining to regulation 57(4) of the public service regulations, 2016
Note: Also see Appointment of Temporary Employees in the public service – Sec 198B of LRA under Legislation
Clarification on degrees and diplomas registered on levels 6 and 7 of the national qualifications framework(nqf) for employment in the public service
Withdrawal of the directive on the verification of public service employees qualifications by saqa
Application of the public service regulations, 2016 with respect to the filling of head of department and deputy director-general posts
Withdrawal of old prescribed application for employment form z83 and implementation of amended z83 as per government gazette no 43872
Advertising of posts in the public service vacancy circulars (psvc)
Timeframes for submission of cabinet memoranda regarding the appointment of national directors-general (dgs) and deputy directors-general (ddgs)
Clarification on assumption of duty in the public service during nation-wide lockdown period
Advertising in the public service vacancies circular (psvc)
Publication of public service vacancies in the public service vacancy circular (psvc) during nation wide lockdown
Certified documents that accompany applications for employment
Hrp circular 31 of 2018: directive on the acceptance of electronic job-applications and the utilisation of the prescribed z83 application form
Continuation of benefits payable to employees seconded to multilateral organisations as contained in the national policy on secondment of south african employees
Hr employmeent practices: circular no 26 of 2019 - z-83 application for employment
Circular 14 of 2019: minimum requirements for submitting requests for deviations in line with regulation 57(4) of the public service regulations, 2016
Advisory note: reference checking against social media profiles
Request for the status report on the review and implementation of performance management and development system policies in line with public service regulations 2016 and the determination and directive on the pmds of employees other than members of the sms
Determination and directive to institutionalise the practice of exit interviews in the public service issued in terms of section 3(2) and 41(3) of the public service act, 1994 read with regulation 69(4) of the public service regulations, 2016
Filling of posts in offices of executive authorities and deputy ministers and the management of staff due to changes in political office bearers
Requests for deviations from the public service regulations, determinations and or directives issued by the mpsa
Directive on personnel suitability checks
Assessment mechanisms used for the selection of non-sms members for appointment
Application of section 198b of the labour relations act 66 of 1995 to employees employed in terms of the public service act, 1994
Recruitment advertising in vuk'uzezele government newspaper
Reducing the recruitment period and the vacancy rate in the public service
Reduce the recruitment period and the vacancy rate in the public service
Withdrawal of the prescribed certificate of service (form z17) and implementation of amended certificate of service
Recognition of the national certificate (vocational) for employment purposes
Strategy to reduce the recruitment period and the vacancy rate in the public service
Directive and determination on the utilisation of foreign nationals to address human resource and skills needs in the public service
Draft guide on the practice of career management in the public service
Interventions to improve the human resource management function in the public service: a manual for use by departments
Assessing the ability of departmental human resource components to assist their departments to achieve service delivery goals
Policy on the secondment of employees
Questionnaire on the advertising of vacancies in the public service and the utilisation and contents of the application for employment form (form z83)
Utilisation of public service act-employees as voting or counting officers in terms of the electoral act, 1998
Circular on public service employees as candidates in elections
Interventions to improve the human resource management function in the public service
Implementation of resolution 1 of 2007: time frames for the advertising and filling of funded vacant posts
Note: See also Public Service Regulations, 2001, as amended 8 February 2008
Ministerial directive to institutionalise the practice of exit interviews in the public service
Implementation of the national vetting strategy in the public service
Investigating into the reasons for terminations in the public service, reviewing amongst others the practice of exit reviews
Amendment of the public service regulations, 2001 by the insertion in chapter 1 of regulation vii b.3.2 - the re-appointment of former employees
Interim arrangements regarding the secondment of south african public service employees to multilateral organisations
Arrangements concerning the placement of advertisements in the public service vacancy circular
Rigid requirements stated in advertisements
Advertising and filling of vacancies during the period of the transformation and restructuring of the public service