Government employees pension fund (gepf) exit procedure in the public service
Gepf no early access for gepf members
Early retirement without a reduction of pesion benefits in terms of 16(6) of the public service act, 1994
Erratum: early retirement without penilisation of pension benefits in terms of section 16(6) of the public service act, 1994 - erratum
Early retirement funding
Resources for early retirement without a reduction of pension benefits in termsof section 16(6) of the public service act, 1994 and request for indicative numbers of retirees
Early retirement funding motivation tool
Early retirement without reduction of pension benefits in terms of section 16(6) of the psaapplication form now available
Early retirement without penalisation of pension benefits in terms of section 16(6) of the public service act, 1994
Government employees pension fund letter to members
Implementation of recommendations made by the public service commission (psc) in the march 2016 report on the management of service terminations and pension pay-outs in the public service
Resignations by governemnt emplyees based on retirement reform rumours
Gpaa practice note of 1 of 2014: employer duties in the event of retirement
Implementation of the project to address previous discriminatory pension practices in the government employees pension fund (gepf)
Implications of employees resigning from the government employees pension fund in order to access pension benefits when transferring from one state department to another
Interpretation of section 16(6) of public service act 1994, as amended by act 30 of 2007
Recognition of service in the former non-statutory forces pensionable service in the government employees pension fund (gepf)
Recognition of service in the former non-statutory forces (nsf) as pensionable service in the government employees pension fund
Recognition of service in the former non-statutory forces as pensionable service in the government employees pension fundalso see circular below| |24 june 2005
Recognition of service in the former non-statutory forces as pensionable service in the government employees pension fundalso see circular below| |13 january 2005
Recognition of service in the former non-statutory forces as pensionable service in the government employees pension fund
Guide for public servants on legal adoption
Officials dismissed during the 1991 ciskei industrial strike actionseverance packagesmeasures for the treatment of personnel of termination of service