The implementation of lifestyle audits by government departments in the public service has witnessed a drastic improvement.

This positive development was revealed during the monthly meetings led by the Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) Director General, Ms Yoliswa Makhasi, with Heads of Corporate Services, conducted virtually on Tuesday.

Providing a progress report on the implementation of lifestyle audits covering the period from April 2023 to January 31, 2024, Ms Andisiwe Mthatyana from the DPSA highlighted that departments received support to enhance lifestyle investigations through workshops focused on raising awareness, providing training on lifestyle reviews and investigations.

It is worth noting that lifestyle audits became mandatory in the public service sector starting on April 1, 2021.

Ms Mthatyana reported that as of January 2022, 27 out of 48 national departments and 47 out of 112 provincial departments had implemented lifestyle audits.

“After sending letters of non-compliance to senior managers, we observed an increase in compliance in March 2023, with 36 national departments and 89 provincial departments conducting audits. The numbers further improved in October 2023 to 44 national departments and 103 provincial departments,” she explained.

Moving forward, the DPSA has pledged to continue providing technical support and enhancing the eDisclosure system.

The department will closely monitor investigations, particularly those involving SMS members who fail to submit financial disclosures, public servants engaged in business with the state, and individuals suspected of living beyond their means.