Public Service and Administration Minister, Ms Ayanda Dlodlo is scheduled to visit a farming community of Dominionville as part of the District Development Model (DDM), an innovative approach aimed at bringing all spheres of government closer to the people.
Minister Dlodlo, as the Dr Kenneth Kaunda DDM Champion, will take the service delivery outreach campaign to Dominionville, a settlement in the Matlosana local municipality, in the North West province on Friday, November 26, 2021.
Residents from the farming community with approximately 250 households will receive services from Home Affairs, South African Social Security Services (SASSA), South African Police Services (SAPS) as well as Employment and Labour, among others.
According to the National Development Plan (NDP) in 2030, people living in South Africa should feel safe at home, school and at work, and that they enjoy a community life free of fear.
With only nine years left before 2030, government wants women to walk freely in the streets and children play safely outside.
Public Works and Roads MEC, Mr Oageng Molapisi, as one of the two the DDM Provincial Champions will join Minister Dlodlo.
The visit will also provide an opportunity for the Minister and the MEC to interact with residents of Dominionville and other residents of Dr Kenneth Kaunda District on their day-to-day service delivery challenges with the view of intervening through the DDM initiative’s approach of bringing integrated government services from the three spheres of government closer to the people.
The District Development Model was identified as a service delivery-planning instrument that aims to respond and address some of the challenges by bringing all spheres of government closer to the people at the district level and to foster an integrated approach to governance.
Two years ago, President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that government would be adopting a district-based approach – focusing on the 44 districts and 8 metros to speed up service delivery, ensuring that municipalities are properly supported and adequately resourced.
This, according to President Ramaphosa, is to ensure that the state is able to effectively enable economic and social development; hence, it is essential to strengthen state owned enterprises.
Meanwhile, Minister Dlodlo’s outreach is also part of the Vooma Vaccination Weekend Campaign scheduled for 03 to 05 December 2021, to intensify the country’s vaccination programme.
The vaccination programme is also aimed to reassure citizens that the vaccines are safe and effective in reducing chances of getting sick after contraction of the corona virus.