The Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC) is constituted by the following trade unions; DENOSA, HOPSERSA, NAPTOSA, NEHAWU, POPCRU, PSA, SADTU, SAPU
representing 1,2 million public servants and the State as Employer representative of all National Departments and Provincial Governments.
The process of negotiations for a wage adjustment and other conditions of service started on the 1st March 2021 with the submission of demands from Labour. These negotiations take place against the backdrop of the application for leave to appeal the Labour Appeal Court judgment on the implementation of Clause 3.3 of PSCBC Resolution 1 of 2018, at the Constitutional Court.
Mr Friekkie De Bruin, PSCBC: General Secretary, said in facilitating the process, the PSCBC is duly aware of these challenges and fully respects the view and opinion of both parties in the PSCBC.
“In leading up to the start of the negotiations, parties met on 16 March 2021 under the auspices of the PSCBC as required in clause 16.3. of the PSCBC constitution and PSCBC
Resolution 03 of 2017.
“Parties in the pre-negotiations session shared information on the economic outlook within which the negotiations will take place. A timetable for the negotiations process going forward, together with milestones was also determined at this session. The PSCBC convened parties on the 29th March 2021 and the 30th March 2021 to start the negotiations within the 21-day time frame as required by the constitution of the Council. Parties agreed to engage constructively,” he said.
The General Secretary said during the two-day session, the Government provided a context of which parties should be cognizant of these in terms of the negotiations and also sought clarity on Labour’s demands.
Labour provided the employer with clarity on their demands and motivated the reasoning for their demands.
“In view of the submissions made by labour, the government requested an opportunity to review and refine their responses to the demands, after which they will revert to Council. Parties have an obligation in terms of the PSCBC constitution to seek agreement on the demands within a 21 day period (working days) from the date of the expiry of the first initial 21 day period which included the pre-negotiations phase. The initial 21 day period lapses on the 31st March 2021.
“The PSCBC will continue to bring parties together during this period to engage on the demands in attempting to find an amicable solution. Council will announce the return dates
soon,” Mr De Bruin said.