The 2018/19 6th National Batho Pele Excellence Awards (NBPEA) call for nominations opened on Monday, October 14, 2019 and will close on 30 November 2019.
Both the public and the public servants are called upon to nominate public servants that they deem to be exceptional and going an extra mile in performing their duties.
All nominations should be accompanied by motivations as indicated in the nomination form on the DPSA website.
There are two streams of categories, those that are open for public nomination and those not open for public nominations. Those not open for the public nominations are the Best Director General (National) of the Year, Best Head of Department of the Year (Provincial Government), Best Provincial Director-General of the Year, Best Functioning Provincial Department of the Year and Best Functioning National Department of the Year.

DPSA Director: Service Delivery Branch
Those open for public nominations are Best Performing Senior Management Service (SMS) member of the Year (level 13-15), Best Front-Line Service Delivery Employee of the Year, Best General Worker of the Year (Level 1-5), Best Operational Employee of the Year (L6-12), Best Batho Pele Team of the Year and Best Implemented Programme or Project of the Year.
The adjudication criterion covers wider performance elements in the application of Batho Pele principles within service delivery continuum including leadership qualities and impact made on various levels of beneficiation.
The first prize, as per tradition will go to the Outstanding Batho Pele Winner of the Year pulled out of 4 individual categories such as the Best Performing Senior Management Service (SMS) member of the Year (level 13-15), Best Front-Line Service Delivery Employee of the Year, Best General Worker of the Year (Level 1-5) and the Best Operational Employee of the Year (L6-12).
Each category will have three prizes, a bronze for third price, a silver for second price and a gold for first price. In addition to the cash prizes, in kind prizes such as ipads, bag or tickets, weekend away vouchers may be granted, funds permitting.
Under the Life-Time Achiever in the public service area, the category is divided between the Dr Nelson Mandela Life Time Achiever and the Albertina Sisulu Life Time Achiever Awards with each carrying a cash prize.
The purpose of the annual NBPEA is, to entrench the transformation and professionalism in the public service. Rewarding excellent service delivery and recognising the contribution by public servants across Government, will add to the drive towards service delivery improvement.
The objective is to promote a new culture of dedication, integrity and effective servitude by encouraging collaboration in effective delivery mechanisms, instilling knowledge management within the public service, and sharing best practices based on tested experiences.
The awards further promotes sharing of best practices, learning, rewarding good performance and gauging citizen satisfaction towards government performance.
The Awards gives effect to Public Administration Management Act (2014) which calls for the creation of a professional public service by recognising and rewarding excellent and professional service.
The awards will reflect on the implementation of the Batho Pele principles, as well as on government priorities and departments’ performance in improving service delivery.
The awards ceremony will be held on 26 March 2020 at Sandton Convention Centre
To access the nomination form, click here