Frequently asked questions
Q: Ethics Officers are facing challenges of capacity and support in their respective Departments in terms of the workload of the Ethics Function
A: DPSA is still looking into the process to formally appointing Ethics Officers instead of being designated by the Account Officers in departments.
Q: Should employees on 1 or 2 year contracts especially in Local Government resign from their companies while they serve as headman and traditional Leaders respective Tribal Authorities?
A: Departments need to inform DPSA on the type of contractual appointments of the identified employees in that particular department because every employee appointed based on the PSA is issued with a PERSAL and they should not do business with the state
Q: How do you deal with a case where an employee spouse is the one doing business with the state and the employee was identified due to using one bank account?
A: Ethics officers are encourage to utilize the CIPC and CSD databes in order to draw information that will assist to determine if the employee is indeed doing business with the state and verify the information.
Q: How did deal with someone who was not initially doing Business with the state but later on become appointed by the Court as an executor of the state?
A: Being an Executor of an Estate does not constitute doing business with the State as the person does not nominate himself of herself to be Executor of the Estate but by family members to execute the estate on their behalf. The master of the High Court merely endorses and formalizes the wishes of the beneficiaries