Determination and directive on special leave in the general public service sectoral bargaining council: implementation of gpssbc resolution 2 of 2024
Guidelines on policy implementation challenges as it pertain to the payment of annual leave to employees who resigned and are reappointed in the same or another department without a break in service
Guidelines on the implementation of the consolidated directions on occupational health and safety measures in certain workplaces dated 28 may 2021 issued by the minister of employment and labour
Determination and directive on leave of absence
Report on the management of annual leave of the 2020 annual leave cycle
Implementation of the amended application for leave of absence form (z1(a))
Payment of leave discounting for persons appointed to developmental programmes
Circular 9 of 2019: labour laws amendment act, 2018
Circular 39 of 2019: payment of leave discounting for interns
Implementation of the amended z1(a) application for leave of absence form
The amended determination and directive on leave of absence in the public service: implementation of pscbc 1 of 2018
Amendments to the determination on leave of absence in the public service: payment of employee's on suspension who could not reschedule and use their annual leave
Implementation of leave provisions as it pertains to interns
Closures of offices during the festive period
Implementation of clause 4 and 5 of pscbc resolution 2 of 2015: configuration of the persal system
The amended determination and directive on leave of absence in the public service: implementation of pscbc resolution 2 of 2015 and other policy aspsects
Implementation of public service co-ordinating bargaining council (pscbc) resolution 2 of 2015: amended z1(a) application for leave of absence form
Implementation and application of shop stewards leave
Duration of employment - persal notice number 322
Implementation of the new z1(a) application for leave of absence form
Erratum to the determination and directive on leave of absence in the public service
The ammended determination on leave of absence for the public service: implementation of pscbc res 1 of 2012 and other policy aspects
Overtime and accommodation compensation rates payable to employees who render specific duties related to the 2010 fifa world cup
2010 world cup: guidelines on the management of working time, leave of absence and remunerative work outside public service employment
Date of implementation of the circular pertaining to issues emanating from the implementation of pscbc resolution 1 of 2007 - formula to calculating unpaid leave
Issues emanating from the implementation of pscbc resolution 1 of 2007 - formula to calculate unpaid leave
Issues emanating from the implementation of pscbc resolution 1 of 2007
The provisions related to leave is applicable mutatis mutandis to members of the senior management services(sms)
Implementation of resolution 1 of 2007: revised determination on leave of absence
Implementation of the policy and procedure on incapacity leave and ill-health retirement: directive for the repeal of the z1 and z29 forms and implementation of the new z1(a) form.
Determination on leave in the public service
Management of the intermittent use of normal sick leave: introduction of the 8-week rule
Directive on leave of absence in the public service as amended
Acceptance of medical certificates
Leave matters
Interruption of maternity leave
Amendment to the formula for leave discounting in terms of the long service award system.part xxviii of the pscbc resolution 3 of 1999
A directive on leave of absence in the public service