Adv Matilda Shaku

There has been a national outcry on the inefficient and ineffective application of disciplinary action in the Public Service.

The public perception is that public servants are corrupt and contravene all regulations and policies and even when caught, they go unpunished.

The research conducted by experts in the field reflect that discipline is applied, though not consistent. Where action is taken, the process takes forever to finalise and well outside the timeframe. Precautionary suspensions are in some instances unnecessarily protracted while they cost the State purse millions.

The Directorate Discipline Management (the Directorate) residing at the Public Administration Ethics, Integrity and Disciplinary Technical Assistance Unit (PAEIDTAU) in the DPSA is in the process of developing mechanisms intended to address the challenges experienced with discipline management in the Public Service.

The PAEIDTAU is currently drafting a Discipline Management Strategy which aims to address the identified gaps.

The PAEIDTAU has thus far consulted with Labour Relations Practitioners in all the Offices of the Premiers, with only Limpopo left to be formally consulted in the fourth quarter.

On 7 December 2022, the Unit presented the Strategy at the National Labour Relations Forum attended by Labour Relations Practitioners from the National Departments including representatives of the Offices of the Premiers.

The practitioners embraced the Strategy and contributed meaningfully