Mr Saide Monmade, Mozambique APRM Secretariat

The Mozambique Secretariat, Mr Side Monade, on presented the Mozambique APRM experience to the High Level Dialogue held in Irene led by the South African Focal Point, Minister for Public Service and Administration, Mr Senzo Mchunu on 07-08/11/2019.

Presenting on the first day of the Dialogue, Mr Monade said Mozambique joined the APRM in 2003 and in 2005 the cabinet appointed the Ministry of Planning and Development as APRM Focal Point and under the current administration, the Focal Point is the Ministry of Economy and Finance.

In 2006, an NGC was set up composed of 58 individuals representing parliament,  government, trade unions, human rights, farmers, youths and women, disable people associations,  academia, private sector and religious representatives.


In 2012 the government set up a decree to the APRM National Secretariat and made it an autonomous technical unit at the Ministry of Economy and Finance with an overall annual budget line and support received from UNDP and other donors.

Mozambique presented the first Country Review Report (CRR) to the 11th APRM Head of States Summit in June 2009 and the implementation of the program of action of the 1st CRR begin in 2011.

In January 2014 Mozambique presented its first progress report and in 2016 present the second progress report.

In 2017 the NGC was re-structured removing from original composition the members of the parliament and the government. The NGC at present is composed by 25 representatives only from Civil Society Organization.

In February 2019, Mozambique presented its 2nd CRR following the hosting of the Country Support Mission led by Ambassador Omar Mona Attia, Member of the APR Panel, from 4 to 6 October 2017.

In June 2018 under the UNDP support, the NGC hired four academic researchers institution to draft the self-assessment report based on wide range stakeholder consultations process, fieldwork and regional validation seminars.

The Country Review Mission (CRM) visited Mozambique from 10 to 26 November 2018 to carry out the widest possible range of consultations with the government officials, political parties, parliamentarians, and CSOs to learn about perspectives of those stakeholders on governance in the country and to clarify the issues identified in the Issues in the self-assessment, report Paper and to build consensus on how to address them.

All this processes, assisted in Mozambique, being able to submit its 2nd Country Review Report in February 2019.