Revised due dates on the submission of reports on the management of poor performance of members of the senior management service
Transitional measures for the awarding of performance incentives to members of the sms
Revised quality assurance checklist for performance agreements of members of the senior management service excluding heads of departments
Implementation of the probation instrument for assessing probationary appointments of heads of departments (hods) and practice note for other senior managements services (sms) posts (salary levels 13-15)
Directive on the performance management and development system for members of the senior management service excluding heads of departments
Methodology for the quality assurance of performance agreements of members of the senior management service (sms)
Clarification pertaining to the signing of performance agreements by members of senior management service in the event a national and provincial election occurs within the first three months of any financial year
Reminder: reporting on poor performance of members of senior management services (sms)
Reporting on poor performance of members of the senior management service (sms)
Reminder: compulsory capturing of pmds infromation and the implementation of compliance measures for sms pmds
Strategy for the management of poor performance for members of the senior managment services (sms)
Request to report on compliance with the signing of performance agreements by members of the senior management service for the 2012/2013 performance cycle by 31/07/2012
Amendments regarding signing of performance agreements and filling of posts for members of senior management service
Amendments to chapter 4 of the sms handbook pertaining to the performance, management and development system for the members of the senior management service (sms) and the filling of designated posts
Signing of pa's by sms members and filling of vacant positions of dg/hod, ddg, cfo and municipal managers (dplg)
Signing of pas by sms members and filling of vacant positions of dg/hod, ddg, cfo and municipal managers (dplg)
Amendments to the sms pmds
Amendments to sms pmds chapter 4 - pmds w.e.f. 1 april 2006