The Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) is currently in the final stages of developing a policy framework that will guide the digital transformation of the public service in South Africa.
In a recent presentation to the Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration, the DPSA shared the draft Digital Government policy framework, offering an overview of its intended scope and potential impact on the country’s public service.
Once finalised, the policy framework will serve as a roadmap for the digital transformation of the public service, contributing to the establishment of a competent and ethical public sector in South Africa.
The Digital Government policy framework adopts a comprehensive approach to leverage digital technologies in the delivery of public services, enhance government operational efficiency, and foster a citizen-centric approach to governance.
It aims to instill a digital-first mindset across all government departments and agencies, promote collaboration and coordination among government entities, and ensure that digital initiatives align with the government’s strategic objectives.
During the presentation, the DPSA emphasized the key challenges faced by the public service in delivering high-quality services and achieving operational efficiencies.
These challenges include the absence of a unified strategy, inadequate leadership in ICT e-government, adherence to governance standards, disjointed business processes, outdated information systems, and a lack of digital skills and trust in government.
To address these challenges, the proposed Digital Government Policy Framework focuses on six pillars:
- Enhancing citizen access to digital services.
- Improving efficiency and effectiveness of government operations.
- Ensuring the security and privacy of citizen data.
- Fostering innovation and developing digital skills.
- Enhancing transparency and accountability.
- Placing service delivery at the core of digital transformation.
In addition to outlining the framework, the DPSA also presented an implementation plan with key priorities.
These priorities include establishing leadership and governance structures, developing policies and guidelines for data management and emerging technologies, forging partnerships with the private sector and academic institutions to cultivate digital skills, modernising access to government services, and improving connectivity and accessibility to government data.
The DPSA’s efforts to finalise the Digital Policy Framework signify a significant step towards a more digitally enabled and citizen-centric public service in South Africa.
The government aims to enhance service delivery, improve efficiency, and establish a more transparent and accountable public sector by embracing digital technologies and fostering innovation.