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Deputy Minister inspects service delivery in flood stricken KZN


The Deputy Minister for the Public Service and Administration, Dr Chana Pilane-Majake, visited areas affected by floods in KwaZulu Natal last week to inspect the impact of the floods on service delivery.

Speaking in Ntuzuma and Umlazi where she also donated 250 pairs of school shoes, the Deputy Minister, Dr Chana Pilane-Majake, offered government’s condolences to the affected families and communities. The Deputy Minister said that government will be working with partners to provide for affected communities. “Government displayed her care for the affected communities by rallying to provide relief for the many distraught families”.

The floods destroyed almost 4 000 homes and over 8 300 homes have been partially damaged. It is also estimated that more than 40 000 people have been displaced by the floods across the Province.

About 6,278 people are currently homeless, while 7,245 people remain in shelters in eThekwini. The Port of Durban, which is one of the largest and busiest shipping terminals on the continent and which is vital to the country’s economy – has also been severely affected.

Public infrastructure has been extensively damaged including schools, health facilities, police stations and magistrates’ courts. It is estimated that over 270 000 learners have been affected and over 600 schools have been damaged. It is estimated that it will cost R1-trillion to restore the damaged infrastructure in the province.

Cabinet has declared a National State of Disaster in response to the floods, which have wreaked havoc particularly in KwaZulu-Natal and parts of the Eastern Cape.

The entire eThekwini Metro and the Districts of iLembe, Ugu, King Cetshwayo and uMgungundlovu are the most affected by the floods. To date, more than 443 people are known to have lost their lives, with approximately 48 people still missing or unaccounted for.

While the damages in the areas of Umlazi and Ntuzuma are still visible, the worst has been overcome. Mopping operations have ensured that the devastation is no longer visible. Government services are continuing at the Mnini Thusong Services Centre.

As part of the day’s programme, several schools benefitted from a donation of the 250 children’s school shoes. The consignment was delivered at the Ntuzuma Junior Primary School and the Umlazi COMTEC School. The Circuit Managers, together with the principals and the affected educators, identified 250 learners who would benefit from the sponsored school shoes programme. The beneficiaries were delighted to receive the gifts.

The Deputy Minister said government is implementing its commitment to work together with civil society and the private sector in restoring infrastructure and services to the affected areas. It is in partnership that the most progress in development will be realized.

The Deputy Minister was accompanied by Mr MS Shangase, the acting District Director; Mr Nkosi, (from the Education District Office); Mr Siboniso Sikhosana, Circuit Manager for the KwaMashu area; Mrs Ndaba, Circuit Manager for the Ntuzuma area; Ms Mumsie Ngema (representing the Local Parliamentary Constituency Office); Councillor Mngadi (Ward 42), Dr Solly Motuba, representing the Metropolitan Health Group; Ms Lungi Shongwe and Ms Lindiwe Dlamini, representing the South African Black Social Workers Association (SABSWA). Other guests included School Governing Body members, Offices of the Member of Parliament and of the Member of the Provincial Legislature.